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October 16, 2002


So it has been so long since my last post that my default setting on this system decided to make my website blank, I thought I was hacked or something at first, but low and behold, everything is in order and I am just a little more paranoid than I previously believed.

In other news, the movie is finished, and once I understand a little more about how to get a decent compression on the movie I will upload it for all to see. The best experience would surely come from actually visiting my wonderful little site installation, but not everybody is close enough to do that.

We are moving on to the next phase of the semester now, beginning something a little more real -- how, you may ask, can you get more real than the something real that you have already built -- well, we now have a somewhat more solid program, not a completely firm program, but a general set of requirements that need to be met, the first step is to make decisions about how these requirements need to be considered in terms of the number of occupants and the usage of the structure. If I build a 3000 seat auditorium on this site, will anybody actually come to it? The overlying theme for the structure is a "Interpretive Center." I am imagining it is somewhere between an artist's day retreat to a snack machine house for the kiddies out in the woods. Of course the artists might like a 3 Musketeer's bar once in a while too.

On the side, our whole year/class, is working on a project with the digital imaging people over in the Computer Science Dept. We are learning how to use Maya to do some rainfall analysis of roof structures and site lines. I am pretty excited about learning Maya, but the rainfall simulation isn't turning out to be nearly as impressive as I had expected, but from what I can tell from my own experience, the software and technology we are looking for would be a pretty expensive and time-consuming endeavor. What does it all boil down to? Hopefully you will see some animations from my playing around in Maya, soon.

Posted by tbartels at October 16, 2002 05:25 AM
