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August 04, 2004

Get Off Your Kiester.

World Carfree Day(probably should be hyphenated "Car-Free") is making it's international debut this year on Sept. 22. I used to spend most of my days car-free, but now that I work 24 miles from my home it's not quite as simple as it used to be, but perhaps for one day of the year I could actually make the effor to bike it to work, and see how long it actually takes.

I have heard rumors that Los Angeles used to have a pretty good public transportation system in place, Going everywhere from Downtown L.A. to Orange County and into the valley, but it is rumored to have been ripped out to make way for the highways and wide streets we are so accustomed to now. There is a World carfree Network website that explains even more and offers other good resources for ideas on how to be more car-free.

Posted by tbartels at August 4, 2004 09:42 PM

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